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September: New work for Bancroft Studio Tour!

Bancroft Studio Tour is coming up quickly and I’m getting lots of new paintings done in preparation.  The tour takes place Sept 17, 18 & Sept 24, 25

Tawny Cotton-grass swaying in the warm August breeze, 48″ x 48″ cold wax, oil and dry pigment on wood panel: available at Paula White Diamond Gallery, Waterloo ON
Vesper 10″ x 10″ cold wax, oil and dry pigment on wood panel SOLD
Owl Call 8″ x 10″ cold wax, oil and dry pigment on wood panel: available at Black Spruce Art Works, Maynooth SOLD
Cedar Lake Memory 8″ x 10″ cold wax, oil and dry pigment on wood panel: available at Black Spruce Art Works, Maynooth
Our Island 8″ x 10″ cold wax, oil and dry pigment on wood panel SOLD
The Land Holds Mysteries 12″ x 16″ cold wax, oil and dry pigment on wood panel SOLD